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1018 E Pasadena Ave
Phoenix AZ, 85014
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6027900096 cell phone
[email protected]
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1018 E Pasadena Ave
Phoenix AZ, 85014
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Sharon was born and raised in Phoenix, and grew up all over the metro area, including Willo, Encanto-Palmcroft, North Central, and Sunnyslope- all before heading to college at ASU. She got her love for all things houses, especially historic homes, from her real estate-loving parents, and finally decided it was the right move to follow her calling to be a real estate agent in 2021. Before her career in real estate, Sharon received her law degree from California Western School of Law in San Diego, and worked in higher education. Sharon lives in Moon Valley with her husband, their son, and their 2 dogs, Pigeon and Cinnamon.