4802340799 cell phone
[email protected]
1018 E Pasadena Ave
Phoenix AZ, 85014
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4802340799 cell phone
[email protected]
1018 E Pasadena Ave
Phoenix AZ, 85014
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Sofia Alvarez is Phoenix born and raised in a small-town Gila Bend just southwest of Phoenix. Raised in a family of entrepreneurs she always knew she would one day start and develop her own business. For the last 5 years she has grown and evolved her skills as a bilingual realtor and joined Retro Real Estate via The Jake Hylton Team in 2021.
Sofia lives in the Uptown Melrose District with her wife Rebeca, her daughter Camila, and their yorkie pup named Tiki. Sofia loves spending her spare time with her family in the neighborhood as well as playing Softball in the NAGAAA League with her team - Diamonds in the Rough <3